At worst, these key loggers are used to capture passwords and other data, which can be used to control bank accounts, commit identity theft, and steal financial assets.

In this age and in our society, it seems no one has a right to privacy anymore and there are plenty of people who would capitalize on that generalized erosion of human dignity.

Personally, I think it's pretty awful that a spouse would sneak around on his/her mate, and I even find it questionable that a parent would resort to spying on their child because it's too much work to raise that child without taking shortcuts. RECORD EVERY KEYSTROKE TYPED.CAPTURES ALL PASSWORDS.SORT KEYLOGGING REPORTS BY DATE OR USER.TWO-SIDED CHAT CAPTURE.
I was so disheartened by that invasion of privacy and the subsequent cover-up, that I quit my job because I couldn't stand the idea of having colleagues such as these. Mac Os Keylogger The version featured in this video is for PC, however the functionality is the same as on the Mac OS X. Download from GitHub (V2.7.1) Download from GitHub (latest release) Some uses of a. Eventually, I was able to track down a co-worker and self-styled computer whiz, who'd installed a key logger (at the boss's behest) to capture my password and god-knows-what other information. Simple keylogger is a simple keystroke logger for Windows, Mac and Linux. GPS location tracking, keylogger, browsing history and 25 more features. I discovered one day that my private emails were regularly being read by my department's immediate supervisor, a major. From here, go ahead and press Command+F (Mac) or Control+F (Windows) to open. Feature-wise, it can log all user account on the same machine when it’s installed under admin account. UI and Feature: The UI is simple and easy-to-understand. When running it has a small memory and CPU footprint. Rest assured that 98% of people who use key loggers are reprehensible busybodies, if not actually spying on other people with malicious intent. Size: Any Keylogger for Mac is a very small program and when installed takes up about 2MB worth of space.